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NGO360o is an innovative social endeavor of Quatriz Business Solutions, an established compliance and management consultancy firm, successfully running from half a decade. During our practice we observed the difficulties the NGOs faced in complying with the respective statutory/legal requirements that govern the operations of the NGO and which impacted their operations to such an extent that in certain extreme situations some of them even discontinued their operations. It was also observed that there’s no platform for the NGOs to collaborate and work towards the greater good of the society and contribute to development of our beloved Nation.
Incorporation of an NGO, required legal Registrations, Compliance, Management, Raising funds, providing a networking platform to collaborate or support each other, Web Design and development, digital marketing, etc., as the name suggest, we try to ensure we cover all aspects of services that can be provided to an NGO.
Any person running an NGO be it trust, society or a sec 8 company can get registered as an NGO. Any Person who is willing to establish a Not For Profit entity, who aims to do good to the society, can also get registered.
12A is a section of the Income Tax Act, which exempts the income of an NGO which is registered under the said section. A 12A registered NGO will have the option to carry forward it’s taxable income upto a period of 5 years before utilizing it for the objects for which it was established.
Like 12A, 80G is also a Section of the Income Tax Act, which gives a donor, generally, 50% deduction on the amount of donation such donor has made from the Income Tax that s/he is required to pay.
While section 80G is a blanket section giving deductions to all donations a registered NGO receives, Section 35AC gives a minimum of 100% tax deduction on amount donated to the donor provided such donation is made for specific purposes and such specific purpose has been validated by the Income Tax Department.
PF refers to Provident fund which is applicable to any and all enterprises, be it business or ‘Not for Profit’ initiatives. It is applicable when the number of employees in an organization becomes or crosses the number 20 on any given day in a calendar year.
ESI refers to Employee state Insurance, which is applicable to any and all enterprises, be it business or ‘Not for Profit’ initiatives. It is applicable when the number of employees in an organization becomes or crosses the number 20 on any given day in a calendar year.
Certain NGOs provide services in terms of consultancy, advisory, etc., if the gross receipts from the provision of such services crosses a sum of INR 9 lakhs in an annum, such NGO would be required to get registered under Service Tax.
Every employer is required to get registered under the Profession Tax Act mandatorily. So if your NGO has even one employee, it will be required that your NGO should get registered under the said Act.
All aspects of life are governed by some laws, rules and regulations. They are required to bring order to life, to make it more systematic and less cumbersome. Likewise, all entities are governed by the laws, rules and regulations enacted by the Governments of the Day and past, which require an entity to comply with such laws, rules and regulations. Statutory compliance is a widely used term referring to the act of complying with the statutes i.e. laws, rules and regulations, passed by the Government. As an NGO, you are also required to comply with quite a lot of such laws, rules and regulations. We help you in understanding them and effectively comply with them.
NGO network is a collaborative initiative of our sister concern Empowering Ummah Inc., which aims to bring about a positive change by validating the credentials (Documentation, registrations, etc.,) of the NGOs and bring them on a single platform which will help them in doing a lot of joint initiatives and also ultimately impact the lives of the beneficiaries, positively.
NGO Network provides a platform for the Donors and the Donees to interact and collaborate to bring about a positive change and smiles on the faces of the many.
If you care and have empathy for the fellow living beings and the environment, then there is a way you can positively contribute to your environment through NGO360o
NGO Network is free. The registrations and compliance section have been provided here at subsidized costs as we need to run the show effectively and sustain operations in the longer run. If you think we have the potential to bring about a positive change in the operations, incorporation and management of an NGO which will indirectly improve the quality of services offered by such NGOs, you can help us by subscribing to any of our listed services.